To give constant 230 V / 440 V AC to sophisticated machinery / instrument to protect…
This isolation transformers are used to remove any sort of earth related problems…

The world today stands at the threshold of a technical transition a phase of knowledge economy. In this era of globalization, our technical precisions are the most important for us to thrive and grow. At Sheratan we have understood the imperatives of quality. We have focused on the creative aptitudes. The result is that we are journeying ahead with our vision and commitment. The aim is to build a business, which is growing while generating the trust and confidence of our valued and esteemed customers.We are proud of having served numerous customers. We are having more than 10,000 Installations of SHERON products. These include to name a few like LIC of India, SBI, SBS, TCI, XPS Cargo, The Raj Bank, Field Marshal Group, Saral Stove, Dishman Pharmasuiticals.Muljibhai Patel Urology Hospital, Sahajnad Technologies P.Ltd, Creative Art, Ashtha Creation,
Hariom Creation, Shital Diamond Group, Hare krishna Diamond, Shri Ramkrishna Diamond, Shi Ram Krishna Diamond and and Certain offices from the government like the Indian Air Force, The Post office etc. also figure in our list of valued clients. This list is by no means exhaustive. We are including them separately for you. Yet all costumers howsoever big or small in their size are always valuable for us. In this profile, we seek to humbly present the range of products manufactured by us, the type of instruments used for ensuring high quality productions & list of valued clients.